Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Lesser of Two Weevils

I read a very amazing and very close to home post by someone I know...and it's very much where I'm at right now. Go read it, and enjoy:

Isn't it amazing how God can bring light into a situation where you understand nothing? I'm at quite a crossroads in my life - I have to choose what comes next, and I'm very unsure of what to do. A person told me that what she believes is that God has set many paths before me, and no matter what I choose, He will bless it. I love that He has done that, makes it harder for me to choose. It's part of becoming an adult, I suppose, but it's still hard. It would indeed be easier if He showed me just one clear path, but again, refer to that post above.

I will simply console myself with the fact that no matter what I do, I will yet have a Savior, and that He won't change his view of me on what I choose. He's teaching me to lose control, and to step into things that I never have before. This season of my life, learning,'s been hard, but it's been good, too. So many things never would have happened but for a silent season of my life - a season of hardship, a season that seems directionless. I'm by no means out of that season, but I want to embrace it with all my heart. In all my uncertainty, it gives me a chance to draw closer to Jesus, and to learn to lean on him.

To all you who know what you're doing - I applaud you. Only don't forget who put that idea or dream in your heart, and the path before you.


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