Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ten Secrets

For lack of something more constant, I've decided to undertake this challenge:

It will probably be terribly fun, and I and others will enjoy it, but I shall only use it if I have nothing better to say.

Anyhow, for today is ten secrets.

Well, I don't really have that many secrets, I suppose.  Then again, anything I say could be taken as a secret, if you don't know me all that well.

1) I dream of publishing books, and being one of those famous authors.  Not the Stephanie Meyer kind - never - but the kind that writes a book that challenges all who read it.  A C. S. Lewis type of person.  Quotable.  Someone who is remembered years from now because I said something wise.  Perhaps even many somethings.

2) I desperately love stuffed animals.  I have a wicker chest filled with them.  Particularly sheep.

3) I also dream of being an amazing artist.  I am so far from it at this point, but someday, I would like to create in the realm of the physical some of the beautiful pictures I have in my head.

4) I've composed a tune for Rue's song, in The Hunger Games.  Perhaps someday I will record myself singing and playing it.  Perhaps not.

5) Speaking of dreams, I have so many, I am afraid that most will never be fulfilled.

6) I want to live in Japan for a year, so I can experience all four seasons, and all the mini cultural tweaks that go with the year.

7) I would dearly love to be married right now, but I am not mature enough for it.  I don't know enough to be a good wife.  I shall need an adventurous husband, who loves God, myself, and can put up with all my odd tendencies.

8) I am one of those start-many-projects-finish-only-one people.  Hence why this blog is only updated in fits and starts.

9) I speak to myself.  With accents.  And sing opera in the shower.

10) I am a pack rat, to some extent.

There.  These may or may not be secrets to you, or they might be.  Either way, you have just learned ten things about me.



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