Monday, May 30, 2011

At What Price?

A poem I wrote for Memorial Day. Inspired partially by Langston Hughes' "Refugee in America" poem. Untitled as of yet. Dedicated to all soldiers and all those who love them and America.

There are words like "freedom"
I do not understand,
Nor will I ever know
Until for them I fight.

There are men called "soldiers"
Who daily risk their lives
To protect this "freedom"
That you and I enjoy.

There are souls called "saints",
Solders loved and passed,
Watching freedom fade
And men losing love
This country, bought with blood and tears;
This precious land of "freedom";
They forget about our men
Fighting in a foreign land.

I still know not what "freedom" is,
But soldiers and saints are teaching
What it is to love my country
And sacrifice my all for it -

America the Beautiful;
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave;
Land that I love, my birthplace, and,
The land for which many saints died.

To all out there, no matter what you're doing, don't forget - freedom comes at a price.

Align Center

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