Monday, May 16, 2011


There's a fat little bumblebee hitting the window next to where I'm sitting. Sweet little thing, really...unless you meet the wrong end. Poor thing seems not to understand that however many times he charges at the flowers inside, he's not going to get to them. How like us, in everyday life. Butting up against things that we'll never get through, oblivious to that fact which everyone else seems to see. If that bumblebee seems cute to us, and God sees us as that bumblebee...well, I can understand. Mistake after mistake...perhaps it's more serious than hitting a window continually, but somehow He finds it in Him to forgive us once again.

Meanwhile, we're still kind of bumblebees, fumbling through life. In the semi-fit-to-my-own-situation words I heard in a wedding yesterday, I'm not going to be perfect, and doubtless I'm going to screw up constantly. However, it's the fact that in my heart, I want to do what God wants me to do, and obey Him, honor Him, and love Him with everything I am. There's no way I'll ever get to the level of perfection that Jesus was at, but my heart is to give Him everything, whether bad or good.

So, you see, as a fumblebee myself, It's not the thought that counts - it's the heart behind the thought.

I think that was one of the best wedding's I've ever been to - and I didn't even have to cry or feel lonely, because it was so joyful. All this one did was make me more excited about my future. So, though I'll doubtless keep hitting my head against that window, I'm pressing on.

God made life an adventure for a reason.

~Fumblebee Living in Overcast

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